


  • Background:

During a discussion at the 2002 annual SANW meeting in Davos the idea to organize a Swiss Geoscience Meeting to bring together the national geoscience groups was born. With this meeting we intend to stimulate interdisciplinary communication and provide a platform for lively discussion among colleagues from the widest possible spectrum of geosciences. The Swiss Geoscience Meeting may host the annual meetings of the various national geosciences groups and in this respect will replace the traditional SANW meetings. The organizing committee is glad to announce the first of this new series of national meetings in November 2003. This event entitled: “Swiss Geosciences: New Perspectives” will be hosted at Basel University. A system of rotating organization and venues is planned for the future. The second Swiss Geoscience Meeting will be held in Lausanne in 2004.

  • Conference format: (top)

Friday, November 28’th

Friday afternoon will be devoted to plenary lectures with invited speakers. The lectures will be organized in three topical sessions consisting of two presentations each. Emphasis was put on invitation of personalities, who pertain to the group of recently appointed professors at Swiss Universities. They will be encouraged to raise controversial topics and to present potential future developments in their disciplines. Recognized chairpersons will moderate the discussion following the presentations.

Saturday, November 29’th

Saturday will be reserved for topical sessions and business meetings that will be organized by the various national geosciences groups. The program will be designed to allow for the traditional annual gatherings of the individual groups, on the one hand, and to stimulate interdisciplinary initiatives, on the other hand.

Sessions will be organized by the following groups:
- Schweizerische Geologische Gesellschaft
- Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft
- Schweizerische Mineralogisch-Petrographische Gesellschaft
- Swiss Tectonic Studies Group
- Geochron
- Metallogenic Seminar
...more to come

Abstracts will be available from the SGM2003 homepage free of charge. A printed version of the abstract volume will be provided against payment.

  • Organizing Committee (top)
L. Baumgartner
P. Jordan
P. Hochuli
R. Moritz
U. Schaltegger
S. Schmid
D. Vavrecka-Sidler

PROGRAM: (top)

  • Friday, November 28’th: Keynote Speakers

13.00 - 13.30 Hugo Bucher
13.30 - 14.00 Walter Etter
14.00 - 14.30 Discussion moderated by Jean-Pierre Berger

14.30 - 14.45 Coffee break

14.45 - 15.15 Angelika Kalt
15.15 - 15.45 Lukas Baumgartner
15.45 - 16.15 Discussion moderated by Martin Engi

16.15 - 16.30 Coffee break

Geology and Environment
16.30 - 17.00 Christine Alewell
17.00 - 17.30 Pascal Kindler
17.30 - 18.00 Discussion moderated by Helmi Weissert

18.00 open end general discussion on future Swiss Geoscience Meetings, election of the 2004 organizing and program committees, refreshments will be provided

19.00 open end Swiss Geosciences party organized by the “Vereinigung Basler Geologiestudenten”

  • Saturday, November 29’th (top)

Topical sessions that will be organized within individual groups or among several groups will be announced separately.


  • Contributions:

Abstracts are invited that are concerned with geologic, paleontologic, mineralogic, petrographic, environmental and other geoscience related issues. Abstracts will be categorized following the indications of the authors on the abstract submission form according to the disciplines that are represented by the individual geosciences groups.

  • Deadlines for abstract submission:

30 June 2003

Abstracts should not be longer that one page and should contain the following informations:

Session organized by:* Times 10 pt alignment left
Title: Times 12 pt bold alignment center
Name: Times 12 pt alignment center
Affiliation: Times 10 pt italic alignment center
Body: Times 12 pt justified
References: Times 10 justified

The margins are fixed to 2.5 cm for all sides
Please do not include any figures.

A simple abstract header is available here

*Sessions will be organized by:

- Schweizerische Geologische Gesellschaft
- Schweizerische Paläontologische Gesellschaft
- Schweizerische Mineralogisch-Petrographische Gesellschaft
- Swiss Tectonic Studies Group
- Geochron
- Metallogenic Seminar

If you do not know of any session that is organized in your field please indicated how your contribution could be categorized:

*Geology *Tectonics *Paleontology
*Mineralogy & Petrography *Geochronology
*Metallogenesis *Environnement

Abstracts should be submitted by E-Mail as attached file (rtf or word fomat) to:

or by mail to:
Dr. Romain Bousquet
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH-4056 Basel


Registration should preferably be sent by E-Mail to Sgm2003-Erdw@unibas.ch with an attached registration form

Alternatively the registration form may be printed and sent to Romain Bousquet by mail or by fax ++41/(0)61-267.28.81

Deadline for registration is 30.9.2003 !!!

Thanks to generous sponsoring by SANW participation in the 1st Swiss Geoscience Meeting will be free of charge.


Accommodation arrangements can only be made for those participants, who wish to stay at the youth hostel and register before July 1st. All other participants are requested to make their own arrangements. A list of hotels is available from: http://quartz.geol.unibas.ch/SGM2003
No evening meals will be provided.

Participants interested in low cost accommodation (youth hostel) are kindly asked to register before July 1st.


For further information, please contact:

Dr. Romain Bousquet
Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH-4056 Basel
Fax: ++41 (0)61 267.36.13
