| Saturday 29th Detailed Program | Alps 10.45 | Tricart | Compared final exhumation processes in Pelvoux and Argentera (Western Alps) | 11.00 | Trullenque, Ceriani, Fügenschuh, Schmid | Polyphase tectonic activity along the Penninic front: implications for the evolution of the Western Alps | 11.15 | Mancktelow | The Val d'Ossola to Rimella section of the Periadriatic Fault: a major anomaly in the regional kinematic model | 11.30 | Maxelon, Mancktelow | The 3D geometry of the central Lepontine Alps A new model for the nappe edifice | 11.45 | Ferrari, Luzieux, Stampfli | Formation and evolution of the northern Briançonnais passive margin | 12.00 | Mullis, Vennemann | Deep percolating meteoric waters in the Central Alps | Break 14.00 | Dumont, Authemayou, Champagnac | Anticlockwise shift of shortening orientation in the External Western Alps: evidences from Hercynian basement, Mesozoic cover and Tertiary synorogenic basins | 14.15 | Engi, Berger | Constraints on the Thermal Evolution of the Central Alps during the Tertiary | 14.30 | Froitzheim, Pleuger, Roller | "Slab extraction": Exhumation by subduction (of the overlying rocks) | 14.45 | Lukesch, Pfiffner | Postglacial tectonic faults and deep-seated gravitational slope instabilities between the Oberalp Pass and the Rawil Pass (Central Swiss Alps) | 15.00 | Delacou, Sue, Champagnac, Burkhard | Current geodynamics of the western/central Alps: insights from seismotectonics and numerical modeling | 15.15 | Kissling, Schmid, Lippitsch, Ansorge, Fügenschuh | Lithosphere structure and tectonic evolution of the Alpine arc | Poster A1 | Bucher, Ceriani, Fügenschuh, Schmid | Tectonic evolution of the Western Alps: an attempt to correlate deformation events | A2 | Champagnac, Sue, Delacou, Burkhard | Late alpine brittle extension in the internal zones of the Northwestern Alps | A3 | Heijboer, Mullis, Vennemann, de Capitani | Fracturing and fluid flow in the External Central Alps during retrograde Alpine metamorphism | A4 | Keller, Abart, De Capitani, Stünitz, Schmid | Metamorphic evolution of pelitic rocks of the Camughera Moncucco unit and Monte Rosa nappe (Western Alps) | A5 | Mullis, Wolf, Ferreiro Mählmann | Temperature Determination between 50 and 270 °C through Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry and Vitrinite Reflectance Values in the External Parts of the Central Alps | A6 | Mullis, Abart, Vennemann | Fluid regimes along the Glarus overthrust and their possible impacts on thrusting and calc-mylonite formation | A7 | Pelletier, Müntener | High pressure metamorphic evolution of oceanic crust: the example of the Lanzo massif and its sedimentary cover (Western Alps) | A8 | Persaud, Pfiffner | Postglacial faulting in the Alps of eastern Switzerland | A9 | Pleuger, Froitzheim, Jansen, Schäfer | Structural analysis of continental and oceanic rocks in the upper Sesia valley (Piemonte, northern Italy) | A10 | Schmid, Fügenschuh, Schuster | Tectonic map of the Alps and overall architecture of the Alpine orogen | A 11 | Sue, Delacou, Champagnac, Burkhard | Low seismic strain in the western Alps: quantification and interpretations | A 12 | Tarantola, Mullis, de Capitani, Dubessy | The CH4 / H2O-(CO2) transition zone in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland: Observations and hypothesis | A 13 | Wissing, Pfiffner | The influence of inherited basin geometries on Alpine type nappe structures: a numerical modeling approach |  8.30 | Brouwer, Engi, Berger, Burri | Towards complete PTt paths: Unravelling Alpine eclogite relics | 8.45 | Mulch, Cosca, Andresen | In situ UV-laser 40Ar/39Ar dating of growth increments in muscovite fish and the time scales of deformation in extensional detachment systems | 9.00 | Putlitz, Cosca | Prograde mica growth recorded by 40Ar/39Ar ages in high-pressure rocks (Syros, Cyclades, Greece) | 9.15 | Bucher, Villa | Petrology and geochronoloy of the ECORS-CROP profile, western Alps | 9.30 | Ruiz, Seward, Winkler | A new geochronological methodology for exploring basin source region tectonics | 9.45 | Wipf, Harrison, Seward, Schlunegger | Constraining the evolution of the Coastal margin of Peru through Fission Track and (U-Th/He) dating | Poster GC 1 | Cosca, Caby, Bussy | Earthquakes and Exhumation of UHP rocks: Occurrence, Composition, and UV-Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Pseudotachylytes from the Dora Maira Massif | GC 2 | Gröger, Fügenschuh, Tischler | Tertiary structural evolution and exhumation history of the Rodna mountains in Northern Romania: preliminary fission track data | GC 3 | Waite, Fügenschuh, Schmidt, Schmid | Low-grade metamorphism and exhumation in central Chile (35° S) | 10.45 | Allen, Rieu | Neoproterozoic snowball glaciations: how many and when? | 11.00 | Azmy, Veizer, Misi, de Oliveira, Sanches, Dardenne | Dolomitization and isotope stratigraphy of the vazante formation, São Francisco basin, Brazil | 11.15 | Louis, Rais, Bernasconi, Weissert | The Oxfordian, a major turning point in Mesozoic oceanography | 11.30 | Matera, Steinmann, Adatte, Comment, Girardin, Schwab, Diemand, Ravot, Loizeau | Heavy metal fluxes recorded in recent lacustrine sediments from the Neuchâtel area | 11.45 | S. Baskar, R. Baskar, Kaushik | The laterites of Konkan-Goa coastal belts: geochemistry, mineralogy and geomicrobiology | 12.00 | Conen, Yakutin, Sambuu | Can predicted impacts of climate change on soil organic carbon be directly measured? A case study from Tuva | Break 14.00 | Kober, Schlunegger, Ivy-Ochs, Wieler, Kubik, Schneider | Contrasting denudation and incision rates in the hyperarid central Western Andes: Evaluation by cosmogenic nuclide data and incision studies | 14.15 | Spikings, Winkler, Hughes, Handler, Crowhurst | Orogenesis, terrane accretion and the subduction of oceanic ridges in the Ecuadorian Andes: a 40Ar/39Ar, fission-track and (U-Th)/He study | 14.30 | Marescot, Chapellier | 2D resistivity tomography applied to the study of quaternary paleo-valleys | 14.45 | Langhi | Permo-Carboniferous glacially-related sequences of the Australian North West Shelf: seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary processes revealed by 2D and 3D seismic | 15.00 | Borel, Stampfli, Furrer, Tacchini, Ringgenberg, Derungs, Rochat, Challandes, Chapellier, Defago, Delacour, Genier-Rosset, Kalt, Pelletier, Robledo, Weber, Wissing, Berger, Clivaz, Cox, deGaspero, Denervaud, Derron, Furrer, Ebert, Hänni, Kindler, Marquer, Marthaler, Moresi, Piguet, Reuber, Reynard, Pfiffner, Pfiffner, Tauxe, Valais, Winistörfer | Objective Earth, a Planet to Discover A Swiss Virtual Campus course | 15.15 | Funk | Sind Namen Schall und Rauch? | Poster GG 1 | Gaibor, Hochuli, Winkler | The Santiago Formation of the Oriente Basin (Ecuador): a hydrocarbon source rock? | GG 2 | Luzieux, Heller, Winkler, Vallejo, Spikings, Hochuli | Origin and accretionary history of oceanic terranes along the Ecuadorian margin between 2°S-1°N: Preliminary results | GG 3 | Obrist, Gustin, Arnone, Schorran, Verburg, Johnson | Terrestrial ecosystems are large sources of Hg to the atmosphere | GG 4 | Vallejo, Winkler, Spikings, Luzieux , Hochuli, Heller | Provenance analysis of accreted units in the Western Cordillera of the Ecuadorian Andes, preliminary results | GG 5 | Winkler, Villagómez, Spikings, Tobler, Abegglen, Egüez | The Inter-Andean Depression of Ecuador, revisited | GG 6 | Brodbeck, Voegelin, Wetzel, Weissert | Carbon isotope stratigraphy of mid-Jurassic platform carbonates, Hauptrogenstein formation, northern Switzerland | 10.45 | Dold | Secondary enrichment processes in sulfidic mine tailings: Lessons for supergene ore forming processes and mine waste remediation | 11.00 | Vogt, Dold, Spangenberg | Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the active tailings impoundment Talabre, Chuquicamata, Chile | 11.15 | Baumgartner, Fontboté | Zoned polymetallic veins and related acid alteration in carbonate rocks, Cerro de Pasco, central Peru | 11.30 | Chambefort, Moritz | Control of the volcanic environment on hydrothermal fluid circulation: Example of the hydrothermal breccia development in the Chelopech epithermal high-sulfidation deposit, Bulgaria | 11.45 | Pettke, Audétat, Schaltegger, Heinrich | Zircon and thorite trace element chemistry: A monitor for the magmatic-to-hydrothermal evolution of a crystallizing pluton? | 12.00 | Audétat, Pettke | Evolution of sulfur and chalcophile elements in the magmas related to porphyry-Cu mineralizations at Santa Rita, New Mexico, U.S.A. | Break 14.00 | Landtwing, Pettke, Halter, Heinrich, Redmond, Einaudi | Cu-Fe-sulfide deposition in porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits: Cathodoluminescence petrography and microanalysis of fluid inclusions from Bingham Canyon, Utah, U.S.A. | 14.15 | Rey, Wallier, Tamas, Leary, Howie, Minut, Heinrich | Magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of porphyry-style Cu-Au and breccia-hosted low-sulfidation Au epithermal mineralization at Rosia Poieni and Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mts, Romania. | 14.30 | de Haller, Corfu, Fontboté | The iron oxide-Cu-Au deposit of Raúl-Condestable, Lima, Peru: Geological and U-Pb geochronological results | 14.45 | Vallance, Markowski, Fontboté, Chiaradia | The gold-skarn deposits of the Nambija district, Ecuador | 15.00 | Lavric, Spangenberg | Roles of organic matter in the mercury mineralization at Idrija, Slovenia | 15.15 | Strmic, Spangenberg, Palinkas, Borojec | The Ljubija siderite deposit, NW Bosnia: Fluid inclusions, stable isotopes, inorganic and organic geochemical constraints | 15.30 | Palinkas, Strmic, Spangenberg | The Vares and Veoveca SEDEX deposits, Central Bosnia: Fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope data | No poster  8.30 | Müntener, Piccardo | Melt migration in ophiolites: evidence from Alpine-Apennine peridotites and implications for embryonic ocean basins | 8.45 | Jagoutz, Müntener, Pettke, Ulmer, Burg | Fractional crystallisation at elevated pressures of shallow mantle derived magmas in island arcs: petrologic (emp and la-icpms data) and field evidence from the chilas complex, Kohistan (ne pakistan). | 9.00 | Pilet, Hernandez, Bussy, Sylvester | Evidence for a Short-Term Metasomatic Control of Nb/Th and Ce/Pb Ratio in the Mantle Sources of Intra-plate Basalts | 9.15 | Vennemann, Marks, Siebel, Markl, Potter | Implications of extremely low D/H ratios of amphiboles from alkaline syenite complexes to the fluid evolution in such magmatic systems | 9.30 | Ulianov, Kalt | Peraluminous websterite and granulite xenoliths from the Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya: rock types and their origin | 9.45 | Früh-Green, Boschi, Kelley, Bernasconi | Serpentinization, Carbonate Precipitation and Microbial Activity: Insights from the Lost City Hydrothermal Vent Field (MAR 30°N) | Break 10.45 | Milke, Dohmen, Wiedenbeck, Wirth, Abart, Becker | Rim growth experiments in isotopically doped thin films: grain boundary diffusion studied on nano scale | 11.00 | Keller, De Capitani, Abart | A quaternary solution model for white micas based on natural coexisting phengite-paragonite pairs: An approach to modelling the effect of the celadonite component in phengite on the phengite-paragonite solvus | 11.15 | Müller, Baumgartner, Vennemann | Small-scale stable isotope disequilibrium between metamorphic olivines and carbonate in siliceous dolomites | 11.30 | Schwab, Spangenberg | Chemical and carbon isotopic changes of hydrocarbons during prograde metamorphism (100-550°C) | 11.45 | Spangenberg, Jacomet, Schibler | Molecular and isotopic analyses of organic residues from potsherds of the Neolithic lake-shore settlement Arbon Bleiche 3, Switzerland: direct evidence of ancient dairying | 12.00 | | SMPG General Assembly | Poster MP 1 | Abart | The Mechanism of Decarbonation in a dolomite layer in the Monzoni Contact Aureole | MP 2 | Kaczmarek, Müntener | Juxtaposition of melt migration and high-temperature shear zones in the Lanzo peridotite (Italy) | MP 3 | Kaeser, Kalt | Modal metasomatism in mantle xenoliths from Marsabit, Kenya: textural and compositional characteristics | MP 4 | Kalt, Hänni, Hoffer, Rettenmund, | Petrology of metamorphic rocks from central and southern Andros, Cyclades, Greece | MP 5 | Kerous, Spangenberg, Palinkas, Tari-Kovacic | Petroleum source rocks and oil seeps in profiles across the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform, Croatia | 5 | | | MP 6 | Kolb, Abart, Lammer | Regolith Mixing Relationships on the Surface of Mars: mplications for the Oxygen Content of the Martian atmospher | MP 7 | Kuhn | Phase relations and chemistry of scapolite in metacarbonate rocks from Central Alps, Switzerland | MP 8 | Reusser, Ralf, Gasser, Malmström | Focused ion beam technique as a preparation for chemical analysis at sub-micrometer scale | 8 | | | MP 9 | Skora, Baumgartner, Vennemann | Mineralogical and stable isotope evidences for limited fluid flow during wollastonite ore formation (Hunter Mountain contact aureole, Death Valley NP; USA) | MP 10 | Ulianov, Kalt | Metamorphism of peraluminous sapphirine-and hibonite bearing granulites in xenoliths from the Chyulu Hills volcanic field, Kenya | MP 11 | Wohlers, Baumgartner, Hauzenberger | A field and experimental study of melt distribution in pelites and quartzites at shallow crustal levels |  8.30 | Brayard, Escarguel, Bucher | Lower Triassic latitudinal species richness gradient and paleoclimate | 8.45 | Monnet, Bucher, Escarguel | Biodiversity of western European Cenomanian ammonoids: An anoxia-related mass extinction? | 9.00 | Klug, Hagdorn, Montenari | Phosphatised soft-tissues in Triassic bivalves from Germany | 9.15 | Heimhofer, Hochuli, Weissert | Timing and radiation of early angiosperms during the mid-Cretaceous: Implications from continuous palynological records from Western Portugal | 9.30 | Thüring, Meyer, Graf, Bucher | Cal Orcko, the worlds largest dinosaur tracksite-Aspects of assessment, protection and conservation | 9.45 | Marty | Excavating and Safeguarding of Palaeontological Heritage along the Transjurane Highway, Canton Jura, Switzerland | Poster PA 1 | Becker | Paleoecology and paleoclimates of the Jura Molasse (Oligo-Miocene): data from Rhinocerotoidea and clay minerals | | PA 2 | Berger, Reichenbacher, Becker, M. Grimm, K. Grimm, Picot, Storni, Pirkenseer, Schaefer, Derer | Tertiary stratigraphic chart of the Upper Rhine graben and the Swiss Molasse basin: synthesis 2003 | PA 3 | Berger, Reichenbacher, Becker, M. Grimm, K. Grimm, Picot, Storni, Pirkenseer, Schaefer, Derer | Paleogeography of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) and the Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) from Eocene to Pliocene | PA 4 | Galfetti, Guex | Biomineralization and Trace Elements, A Laser Ablation ICP-MS study on Liassic belemnites | PA 5 | Jank, Wetzel, Meyer | The Late Jurassic Reuchenette Formation in Northwestern Switzerland (Kimmeridgian sensu gallico, Ajoie-Region JU) A new biostratigraphically based Frame | PA 6 | Knappertsbusch | Microevolution in planktonic foraminifera: a morphometric case study applied to the Globorotalia menardii plexus and G. tumida lineage | PA 7 | Pirkenseer | The relationships between the Upper Rhinegraben, the Molasse Basin and the Bressegraben during the Oligocene: paleogeography, paleontology and stratigraphy | PA 8 | Storni, Strasser, Berger | Palaeontology and palaeoecology of the Altkirch quarry (Early Oligocene, Alsace): sea or lake? | PA 9 | Tütken, Vennemann, Pfretzschner | Oxygen isotope composition of bone and tooth phosphate A palaeoclimate proxy for the terrestrial and marine fossil record and its diagenetic alteration | 8.30 | Kocher, Exner, Grasemann, Mancktelow | Modelling of progressive evolution of flanking structures | 8.45 | Kaus, Burg, Podladchikov | Dome structures in collision orogens: some mechanical considerations | 9.00 | Panien, Pfiffner, Schreurs | Mechanical properties of materials used in analogue modelling | 9.15 | Ebert, Herwegh, Pfiffner | Parameters affecting the microstructure of impure carbonate mylonites: A case study on samples from the Helvetic nappes (Switzerland). | 9.30 | de Ronde, Stünitz, Tullis, Heilbronner | Syndeformational Reaction in Experimentally Deformed Plagioclase-Olivine Aggregates | 9.45 | Prelicz, Burlini, Kunze | Seismic properties of mafic and ultramafic rocks at high PT conditions | Break 10.45 | Grujic, Beaumont, Chakungal, Jamieson, Nguyen | Exhumation of high grade rocks in a shortening orogen by channel flow. A case study in the Bhutan Himalayas | 11.00 | Charrue, Burkhard | Inversion tectonics in the hercynian Anti-Atlas of Morocco | 11.15 | Simpson | Interactions between erosion, deposition and 3-D (thin-plate) deformation | 11.30 | Hampel | Response of the tectonically erosive Peruvian forearc to subduction of the Nazca Ridge: geophysical data, 3D analogue and numerical models | 11.45 | Ustaszewski, Schumacher, Schmid | Kinematics of Paleogene rifting in the Southern Upper Rhine Graben revealed from subcrop maps and field data | 12.00 | Burkhard, Schmid | Seismic hazard assesment for Swiss nuclear powerplants: What can geologists contribute? | Poster ST 1 | Keulen, Heilbronner, Stünitz | What happens after fracturing? Particle size reduction and annealing in experimentally deformed granitoid and diabase | ST 2 | Schmalholz, Podladchikov, Jamtveit | Structural softening of the lithosphere | ST 3 | Schmid, Podladchikov, Marques | Folding of finite length layers | ST 4 | Tischler, Groeger, Schmid, Fuegenschuh | Miocene tectonics at the northern border of the Transylvanian basin | ST 5 | Trullenque, Schmid, Heilbronner, Stünitz, Kunze | Progressive shear in naturally deformed calcitic rocks: microfabric evolution and a new type of oblique c-axis-orientation | | |